Business Buyer & Seller Representation

Clients who are professionally represented by National Business Brokerage can enjoy the advantage of having an experienced advisor and deal facilitator. An agency relationship is formed and fiduciary duty results. We have the duty to serve in our client’s best interest before all others, including our own.

Our Duties to You

Full Disclosure, Confidentiality, obedience, Reasonable Care, Accountability & Loyalty


As Seller’s Agent

Agent represents the seller exclusively.

As Buyer’s Agent

Agent represents the buyer exclusively.

This relationship can be accommodated between NBB and a buyer in transactions for purchasing businesses not currently represented by NBB.

A retainer fee is required to establish this relationship.

As Dual Agent

Upon agreement by buyer and seller, an agent may represent both in a transaction.

As such, they cannot do anything to benefit one that would harm the other.

However, duties of confidentiality, full disclosure, reasonable care, accountability and obedience still apply.

NBB’s ordinary practice to act as a dual agent.

Agency relationships are disclosed during initial meetings with clients.

Your NBB associate can further explain the details and advantages of professional representation, agency relationships, and NBB retained acquisition search services.

Our Duties to You

Full Disclosure, Confidentiality, obedience, Reasonable Care, Accountability & Loyalty


As Seller’s Agent

Agent represents the seller exclusively.

As Buyer’s Agent

Agent represents the buyer exclusively.

This relationship can be accommodated between NBB and a buyer in transactions for purchasing businesses not currently represented by NBB.

A retainer fee is required to establish this relationship.

As Dual Agent

Upon agreement by buyer and seller, an agent may represent both in a transaction.

As such, they cannot do anything to benefit one that would harm the other.

However, duties of confidentiality, full disclosure, reasonable care, accountability and obedience still apply.

NBB’s ordinary practice to act as a dual agent.

Agency relationships are disclosed during initial meetings with clients.

Your NBB associate can further explain the details and advantages of professional representation, agency relationships, and NBB retained acquisition search services.

With years of experience, we understand what it takes to successfully represent our clients. We are here to help.
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